Posts tagged omni counseling and nutrition
I Hate My Body, Now What?

The work of body acceptance is not isolated for you as an individual. It is not only about learning to accept yourself, likewise it is about the collective and learning to accept everyone and fight for justice for all bodies. If the world we live in continues to uphold unrealistic beauty and body standards, we will never find acceptance for ourselves. In order to accept your body you must also work toward accepting ALL BODIES. The work is in dismantling the ridiculous standards that are set by diet culture and the patriarchy. 

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What’s the Connection: White Supremacy and Diet Culture

I believe it is important to understand the connection between diet culture and white supremacy because I hope it stirs something up within you, that the hierarchical structure (white men being at the top) of our society is wrong and something needs to change. We must be the change. In order to make change happen, we must let go of dieting and spend our energy and time focused on ways to fight against diet culture, which in turn means fighting against white supremacy and the ways in which it oppresses all of us. This is ultimately for the collective, not just for your individual recovery from dieting, disordered eating, or an eating disorder. If we want to achieve individual recovery from disordered eating, we must also fight for this for the most marginalized of bodies and identities. 

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Values…What Rules You? 

I have been thinking a lot about my values recently. When I first started grad school I remember I was assigned a paper in my Intro to Counseling Theories class and the task was to write about my values. Aside from doing a values card sort with my therapist, this was the first time in my life that I had taken the time to think through my values. I recently reread the paper that I wrote about four years ago, and was surprised to see that my values have not really changed all that much, even though I feel I have grown as a person a lot over these last four years. 

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What is Diet Culture?

“Diet Culture” is a term that Melissa and I use all the time and we realized it may be a confusing term for many of you. Diet culture is also all around us, which means it probably impacts your life on a daily basis, possibly without you even realizing it. I want to explain what we mean when we talk about diet culture. 

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Why You Can’t Determine Your Health (Or Anyone Else’s) Based on Shape or Size

The myth that thin=healthy and fat=not healthy is just outdated and based purely in a societal fear of fatness. This myth really makes my blood boil. There is SO MUCH research out there that proves this theory/bias/opinion/myth wrong. 

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What is Intuitive Eating Anyways!? And How do I let Go of Dieting and Move to Intuitive Eating?

Are you tired of counting calories, obsessing over what foods are healthy and what foods are unhealthy? Do you label foods as “good” or “bad”? Do you judge yourself based on what or how much you have eaten? Do you spend way too much time thinking about food? Are you ready to embrace ALL food and change your perspective? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Intuitive Eating may just be the path for you! 

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