What the Hell is Self Care, and Why is it Important?

Self-care is about honoring and nurturing your self. It is about setting boundaries, getting acquainted with what matters to you and what your needs are, and setting your life up in a way that is attentive and supporting of you! Self care is attuning to your wants, needs, and desires and creating a life that allows you to meet those for yourself. It can look a million different ways – but the intention behind self-care is to fill yourself up so that you are equipped – emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually – to tackle your day-to-day tasks and obligations. 

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Corrie Van HorneComment
Why Candy Is the Least Scary Thing About Halloween

Halloween is synonymous with many things; dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, haunted houses, and yes, candy. Candy has become something that many people, whether they are struggling with disordered eating or not has become something that the general public fears or thinks is “bad”. The truth is there is no reason to fear candy. All of the things said about this food are simply not true. Let’s examine the most well-known myths about candy so that you and your kids can enjoy candy this Halloween, or any time!

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Melissa Preston Comment
Inspirational? More Like, Seeking Inspiration!

If you think about it, inspiration is all around you when you take a minute to soak it in. I am grateful for all of the sources that bring me inventiveness, creativity, and joy on a day-to-day basis. I hope that this post reminds you to seek your own sources of inspiration in your recovery, your path of self-growth, or simply in your everyday experiences. 

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Corrie Van HorneComment
Five Things I'm Afraid To Tell You

Being a therapist that blogs and posts on social media is weird. You put yourself out there all the time, but also try to maintain some sense of privacy and hiding. Here are 5 things I’ve wanted to post about/ blog about that I have shied away from for various reasons.

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Melissa PrestonComment
I Hate My Body, Now What?

The work of body acceptance is not isolated for you as an individual. It is not only about learning to accept yourself, likewise it is about the collective and learning to accept everyone and fight for justice for all bodies. If the world we live in continues to uphold unrealistic beauty and body standards, we will never find acceptance for ourselves. In order to accept your body you must also work toward accepting ALL BODIES. The work is in dismantling the ridiculous standards that are set by diet culture and the patriarchy. 

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What Does Intuitive Eating Look Like in Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant and having a child was something I wanted for a long time. When I finally became pregnant I was elated of course. I had heard and read all about the nausea, food cravings, and food aversions that happen to most women during pregnancy. I ‘thought’ I was prepared for anything thrown my way during this time. And while I do think I navigated it to the best of my ability, nothing could actually prepare me for what happened during those first 14 weeks of growing a life.

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Melissa PrestonComment
What’s the Connection: White Supremacy and Diet Culture

I believe it is important to understand the connection between diet culture and white supremacy because I hope it stirs something up within you, that the hierarchical structure (white men being at the top) of our society is wrong and something needs to change. We must be the change. In order to make change happen, we must let go of dieting and spend our energy and time focused on ways to fight against diet culture, which in turn means fighting against white supremacy and the ways in which it oppresses all of us. This is ultimately for the collective, not just for your individual recovery from dieting, disordered eating, or an eating disorder. If we want to achieve individual recovery from disordered eating, we must also fight for this for the most marginalized of bodies and identities. 

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Finding Meaning in Your Eating Disorder Recovery

I had an eating disorder from the time I was 16 years old until 26. Ten long years of misery. My eating disorder was not something I was proud of. I was very ashamed of it and the behaviors that accompanied it. I binged on huge amounts of food. I restricted and starved myself. I over-exercised and pushed my body to the point of exhaustion. All the while hiding behind a façade of working as a dietitian teaching others how to live a healthy life. I felt like a total hypocrite. Something had to change.  

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Melissa PrestonComment
Recovery is Hard Work!

One of the biggest shockers for me when I left treatment was how much hard work was involved in recovery. I became accustomed to meals being planned and prepared for me, constant support for my emotions, behaviors, and meals, as well as thoroughly going over every “meal off” with my dietitian. I stepped down with less support as the weeks went on. Then came discharge day. I was finished and on my own. 

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Values…What Rules You? 

I have been thinking a lot about my values recently. When I first started grad school I remember I was assigned a paper in my Intro to Counseling Theories class and the task was to write about my values. Aside from doing a values card sort with my therapist, this was the first time in my life that I had taken the time to think through my values. I recently reread the paper that I wrote about four years ago, and was surprised to see that my values have not really changed all that much, even though I feel I have grown as a person a lot over these last four years. 

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Is Our Restriction of Food Groups Actually Causing Us to Have More Food Intolerances?

The lists of food people avoid ranges from sugar, wheat, dairy, meat, “processed” food, even certain fruits and vegetables; the list goes on and on. When I was growing up there weren’t droves of people that couldn’t eat certain foods, or who chose to avoid entire food groups on their own volition. This leads me to wonder… are we actually causing ourselves to have more food intolerances by restricting ourselves of certain foods?

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Melissa PrestonComment
7 Tips For Conquering Fear Foods

When you think of the word “fear” what comes to mind? For me I have thoughts and images such as ‘scary, panic, ghosts, dark alleys, heart racing, and skeletons’. When I add the word ‘food’ in front of fear what comes to mind? For most people it’s foods like pizza, donuts, ice cream, hamburgers and fried foods. I often wonder how food has become something as scary as something that might actually be life threatening, such as walking down a dark alley alone. Food is something that is basic to our survival. How did something so essential to our lives become something that so many people fear on a daily basis?

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Good Food, Bad Food...Does Food Have Morals?

Almost every day in my office I hear a client say that they ate a certain food because it was “good” or they try to avoid all “bad foods”.  Another frequent discussion is a client stating “I am a bad person” because I ate a cookie, pizza, cake, or another food that is often deemed “bad” by society, or they say “I was good today”. Their determination of them “being good” is based on only eating foods that day that they determine to be “good”.  My question is “When did food develop morals?”

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What is Diet Culture?

“Diet Culture” is a term that Melissa and I use all the time and we realized it may be a confusing term for many of you. Diet culture is also all around us, which means it probably impacts your life on a daily basis, possibly without you even realizing it. I want to explain what we mean when we talk about diet culture. 

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How To Feel Your Feelings: Part 2

Experiencing your feelings is an imperative part of recovery. Our feelings are just like physical pain; they are communicating something to tell us that something is okay-when we experience something that feels good, or not okay- when we experience feelings that don’t feel good.

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The Fourth of July, Freedom, and Food!

On this 4th of July, what can you do to create more space for freedom in your relationship with food?  What can you do to strive towards creating a more equitable society where the 4th of July has the same meaning and celebratory vibe for ALL? My hope for ALL people today is a day of peace with food, and in all other aspects of life. 

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How Your Activity Tracker Is Harming You

Fitbits, Activity trackers, Smart Watches, Garmins, and Jawbones are all the rage right now. It’s rare to see someone not wearing that sleek watch looking-device on their wrist that is quietly counting steps, calories burned, calories eaten, exercise completed, and hours slept. We are a nation obsessed with these little machines that supposedly tell us about what our bodies are doing and what our bodies need. However, we are not a machine.

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Omni Comments